The National University of Ireland, Galway (NUI Galway), host of the Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC), is the leader of the HPC SPECTRA project.

The Barcelona Supercomputing Center is primarily responsible for developing the training platform for the HPC SPECTRA project.

The KIFÜ (the Governmental Agency for IT Development in Hungary) is the leader of deployment of the training platform.

The ICHEC (The Irish Centre for High-End Computing) is playing leadership roles in coordinating European training activities.

The University of Luxembourg is coordinating the EUMaster4HPC project, the first pan-European Master for High-Performance Computing.

The GWDG (the university computing center for Göttingen University and a computing and IT competence center for the Max Planck Society) is primarily responsible for the communication and dissemination, local organization of work packages, and advising on system requirements and course structuring for the training portal.